Welcome to our Course: AI & Machine Learning Projects – Hands-On Practical Learning!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of AI and Machine Learning study materials out there? We’ve got you covered! Dive into a series of fascinating projects from scratch and kickstart your implementation journey.

In this course, you’ll tackle three captivating projects:

  1. Web Application for Object Identification: Deploy a simple machine learning application for object identification.
  2. Dog Breed Prediction: Build and optimize a model to predict dog breeds from 120 different breeds using Deep Learning libraries.
  3. Credit Card Fraud Detection: Explore one of the most common applications in the Finance Industry from development to deployment.

Each project will provide you with hands-on experience, ensuring you gain practical knowledge and skills.

Who’s guiding you in this course?

Meet our Professional Trainer and Consultant with expertise in C, C++, Python, Java, Scala, Big Data Technologies (PySpark, Spark using Scala), Machine Learning & Deep Learning (sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow, TFLearn, Keras, h2o). With a track record of delivering training at prestigious corporates like GE, SCIO Health Analytics, IBM, JP Morgan, and more, our instructor shares valuable insights for you to understand the holistic approach towards Machine Learning.

Reasons to Pursue a Career in Machine Learning:

  1. Future-Proof Skill: Machine Learning expertise is in high demand, making it a secure career choice in the technology industry’s fast-growing field.
  2. Real Challenges: Work on real-life challenges and contribute to impactful solutions for businesses and society.
  3. Continuous Learning: Stay ahead of trends and increase your value in the marketplace as Machine Learning technology advances.
  4. Career Growth: As the industry matures, your experience and expertise will lead to an upward career trajectory.
  5. Lucrative Opportunities: Machine Learning engineers enjoy attractive salaries, with potential for further growth in a thriving industry.
  6. Diversify with Data Science: Machine Learning skills open doors to roles in both Machine Learning and Data Science, enhancing your career opportunities and knowledge base.

Get Practical Learning Experience!

Project-based learning is the key to effective engagement and application of knowledge. Collaborate, problem-solve, and develop essential skills like critical thinking and time management. Embrace an exciting journey, where challenges lead to opportunities and knowledge.

Unlock the Future of Machine Learning!

By enrolling in this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Machine Learning and even explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence, boosting your skillset as a successful ML engineer.

Enroll now and join us in class to seize the early bird advantage and set your career on an upward trajectory.

Happy Learning, Team Edyoda